Selfridges switches to Green Gift Cards paperboard as part of their Plastic Free Plan
8 Sep 2019 • 4 minute read
I often say the retail industry’s desire to move away from plastic gift cards has been slow, too slow, but is now gaining momentum – most recently highlighted by a deal with Selfridges to convert thier gift cards to our paperboard as part of its plastic-free plan and commitment to the environment.
As the founder of Green Gift Cards it's my view that when any major players like Selfridges see and touch our alternative and look deeper into the benefits of switching, the long-established ties to plastic cards quickly dissolve and concerns about durability and increased production costs are dispelled.
Our trials have shown the cards to not only endure the required usage pattern but are also indistinguishable from the look and feel of traditional plastic cards when tested with the public and even industry members.
After our relentless, intensive work to create the best plastic-free alternative with sustainability at its heart from the forest to the store, it’s great to see brands and retailers embracing the initiative for the clear environmental benefits. They also appreciate the clear business benefits with a greater range of design options and marketing potential to reach consumers who are increasingly mindful of businesses’ environmental stance.
It's also great to see Selfridges take the bold step of announcing their switch unlike some other brands who are too concerned about drawing negative attention about all the remaining plastic in their stores rather then shouting about their positive move away from plastic for their cards. For me though, gift cards are a small by vital step and very visible to shoppers that a brand is going the right direction!
Since 2006 we have been innovating and disrupting in the card market to develop what is a leading range of environmentally-friendly card solutions. So what sets us apart?
Well that’s the thing, there’s a number of reasons why Green Gift Cards are renowned in the world of card production. It is the material we use for our cards and the certification that the cards come with. It is also the compelling environmental story (we urge you to watch the video) that is behind all of our cards and the fact that, once finished with, our cards are compostable and can be recycled in normal household waste streams. Oh and we’ll say it again – being environmentally-friendly doesn’t mean they are more expensive. In fact they offer great value compared to plastic cards.
If you would like to talk to us about your next card order or would like to know more about what makes our products so unique, call us on 01794 725 454 or request a call back.
White paper
Read our latest white paper to find out one simple change organisations can implement today to help tackle the issue of single and limited use plastic.
We work closely with some of the biggest and best in their field to bring you market leading environmental solutions for your cards. Learn more about our partners.
To request a quote please complete the form and we will get back to you. If you are unsure on your requirements or just want to talk through the available options please do not hesitate to email or call on the details below.